

Sh' Bam Class Review by Christina

Give it a go!

Body Combat Review by Christina

Give it a try!

Junior Gym Sessions

Keep active, keep youthful

Activities to keep you feeling great!

Nathan's Story

Read about how Alfreton Leisure Centre has helped Nathan on his Powerlifting journey

Consistently Outstanding Customer Service

Alfreton Wins The Award For Customer Team Of The Year Award

Want to work out but don't want to be left red faced?

Try some of our best low-intensity workouts

The higher the intensity, the faster the results!

The work-out craze taking the world by storm

Lisa's Story

Why Our Members Love Training With Us

We're thrilled to be partnering with Decathlon

Walking Rugby

Try something new in 2020

Nikki's Story

Why Our Members Love Us!

Adult Swimming Lessons

Discover why swimming is for you


A brand new way to stay social and healthy

Why working out with a buddy will help get you fitter!

8 Reasons why working out with your buddy is better.

Adult & Child Swimming Lesson Places Available Now

Get active in the water with your little ones

What are the benefits of being on our swimming lesson programme?

ESCAPE-Pain Course

Rehabilitation for those with chronic joint pain

Swimming For Recovery

How this sport could help you keep active after injury

SWIMTAG: Putting the KNOWLEDGE into the TechKNOWLEDGEy.

Free Swimming For Children Under 8 Years Old

Get active, as a family

Health Benefits Of Swimming

Discover why swimming is the sport for you

Gymnastics at Alfreton Leisure Centre

Enquire about courses today