NPLQ Course
Check out our next course dates
Work flexible hours, learn lifesaving skills, make a difference – Sound good?
What’s being a lifeguard like?
Lifeguards benefit from varied working hours which you can easily fit around your other commitments, working within a team and there’s also the opportunity to progress your career within the leisure industry as most leisure managers start off as pool Lifeguards.
Learn skills for life - Internationally recognised
- RLSS Lifeguard Qualification
- Automated External Defibrillation Certificate (AED)
- Rescue Board Qualification
- Excellent starting point for a career in the leisure industry.
- Opportunity for career progression.
- Varied working hours Work within a team
- The NPLQ is recognised around the world, so potential to work and travel.
- Learn essential life skills, including First Aid and CPR
How do I become a lifeguard?
Lifeguard Course Pre-Requisites
- Must be 16-years-old at the time of taking the NPLQ final assessment
- Be able to: Jump / Dive into deep water
- Swim 50 metres in less than 60-seconds
- Swim 100 metres continuously on front and back
- Tread water for 30 seconds in deep water
- Surface dive to the floor of the pool
- Climb out unaided without ladder / steps and where the pool design permits.
2021 NPLQ Courses running;
- Monday 26th July - Sunday 1st August 2021
- Excludes: Saturday 30th July 2021
- Cost: £225
Looking for Part Time or Full Time recruitment, we offer discounted rates on our course for successful candidates.
For further information please use our contact information below: