Places Wellness "Feeling great after each session"

Places Wellness Stories

How Places Wellness is getting me fit! - Kathy Rainbow's Story

I am coming up for 67 and having lost 3 stone in weight I wished to firm up and generally get fitter. I also have an upper back problem which in the past has restricted me in what exercises I can do. 

After using the gym for a year the Milon Machines came to Graves and after having a taster session, I decided this was definitely for me. 

Milon concentrates on strength and toning and the program is individually tailor-made. There is no worrying about setting up the machines, as this is done automatically when you log into each machine. There are 2 cardio and 6 muscle strengthening machines. You do 2 circuits taking only 35 minutes!

You are monitored the whole time by one of the qualified trainers , and Lee Buisson , who is usually there on the days I attend is really good and knowledgeable. He is encouraging and and pushes you ensuring you get the most from the machines. It is very friendly atmosphere (being in a circle people talk) and everyone encourages everyone else. 

I go 3 times a week and it is the best thing I did.This has not affected my back and after only a few weeks I am already noticing a difference and feel great after each session. 

How Places Wellness is Changing How Sheffield Get Active

Nigel’s Story | Beach Body, Sorted!

"It's a perfectly timed and balanced routine that gives you a thorough workout. Short enough to motivate you to attend and long enough to ensure you exercise properly"

“regular exercise, weight loss & beach body! Sorted”

Sue’s Story | “Love the mix of cardio and toning”

"Places Wellness has friendly staff who are knowledgeable!

“Cool, bright and clean equipment. I love the mix of cardio & toning machines. Excellent for time management! And I am losing a few pounds too!"

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