Health and Wellbeing
Improving my health
Our programmes support recovery, rehabilitation and your overall health and wellbeing.
GP referral
If you have suffered an illness or recently had an operation our GP referral sessions will help you get back into fitness. You’ll need a ‘prescription to exercise’ from your doctor to get started and our instructors will support you through your sessions.
We now accept referrals for Juniors aged 11-15 years old.
Ask a member of the team for more information or call us on 01428 658484.
A 6 week aquatic journey for £28 to support you back into activity incorporating access to pool based activity sessions and swimming.
You'll need a referral from participating health professionals. For more information and the list of participating referrers give us a call on 01428 658484.
ESCAPE - pain
ESCAPE - pain is a group based, NICE - approved rehabilitation programme for the management of arthritis in knee, hip or back. Classes are run by an exercise professional, delivered as 2 classes per week for 6 weeks. Each class intergrates education and exercise.
Cost - £54 per course (includes unlimited free swimming for the duration of the course)
Smart Heart Classes
Cardiac rehabilitation sessions are instructor-led to a programmed exercise and information session to help you get back on your feet after a heart attack, heart surgery or procedure.
The sessions will give you the support and advice you need to get back to everyday life as efficiently and successfully as possible.
- Tuesday 1-2pm
- Thursday 1-2pm
£4.50 per session.
NHS Health Check
NHS Health checks are free if you are aged 40-74 with no pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, dementia, kidney or heart disease. During the health check you will complete questionnaires and have tests to establish current blood cholesterol and blood pressure.
Please note you can only have a free NHS health once every 5 years. If you have had a health check in the last 5 years or have a diagnosed medical condition, then you can purchase a health check for £28.