We are Outstanding
Maltby Leisure Centre rated ‘Outstanding’ by leading quality scheme
Maltby Leisure Centre has passed the toughest assessment offered by Sport England’s leading national quality scheme, Quest.
Quest is the best-known improvement programme within the Leisure industry and its rigorous assessments challenge even the very best leisure centres in the UK.
In order to qualify for a Quest Stretch assessment, Centres must have been rated ‘Excellent’ in their previous Quest assessment. To achieve the top award, which designates centres ‘Outstanding’, Maltby Leisure Centre went through a two-day assessment plus a mystery visit. To make the process even tougher, Managers were not informed when the assessor or mystery visitor would be arriving.
Over the course of the assessment, Maltby excelled in the day-to-day operations of the Centre, including Cleanliness & Housekeeping. They also demonstrated a clear dedication to improving the Health & Wellbeing within the community and generally just getting the local people active.
Mark Rawding, Contract Manager for Places Leisure in Rotherham said: “This is an amazing achievement and I’m so proud of our team’s effort. Quest Stretch is much more than a tick-box exercise; it is an ongoing programme designed to improve our facility for both staff and customers, and a great way to demonstrate our achievements. All the team at Maltby are really proud to bring this achievement to our community and are already looking forwards to developing our Centre even further.”
Quest’s Operations Director, Caroline Constantine, said: “Quest Stretch is the highest accreditation that can be achieved and as such it is an extremely demanding process. By meeting Quest Stretch’s very high standards, Maltby Leisure Centre has shown its commitment to providing quality facilities and service to its customers. In these tough economic times, it is more important than ever that local leisure facilities can demonstrate their value, and Quest Stretch accreditation helps them do just that."