Health and Wellbeing

Improving my health

GP referral and Lung Club

If you have suffered an illness or recently had an operation our GP referral sessions will help you get back into fitness.  You’ll need a ‘prescription to exercise’ from your doctor to get started and our instructors will support you through your sessions.

Ask a member of the team for more information or call us on 01603 671390.


A 6 week aquatic journey to support you back into activity incorporating access to pool based activity sessions and swimming.

You'll need a referral from participating health professionals.  For more information and the list of participating referrers give us a call on 01603 671390. 

Dementia Café

10.45am - 12.30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in partnership with Alzheimers society.

Contact Cheryl Day on 07734 777980 or by email

Pulmonary rehab

Friday 1.30pm - 3.30pm with the NHS

Attendance is via a referral through your GP. 


Fitness for all abilities

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You can pay as you go

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