
Bouncing, spinning and rolling

A bit about gymnastics

Gymnastics is a fantastic sport for all ages and our sessions are developed through our close links with British Gymnastics.  The skills you learn, such as strength, balance, co-ordination and mobility will help you to enjoy and master many other sports as well as gymnastics.

Is gymnastics the sport for you?

If tumbling, rolling and jumping is your thing, then gymnastics is for you. Our children's sessions are based on the 'FUNdamentals' of movement that will help them progress into any sport or activity so it's a great starting point for any child wanting to do any activity.  

We run the following gymnastics courses:

Jump into Gymnastics 

Our classes contain a mix of fun, structure and non-competitive encouragement given by qualified coaches, who specalise in instructing and developing children of all abilities and skill types. These sessions allow your children to lead a healthier lifestyle and socialise, but it is also a great chance to improve their coordination, strength, and balancing skills of both body and mind.


4.45pm - 5.30pm Beginners for ages 5 -9 years

5.30pm - 6.15pm Beginners/intermediate for ages 6 - 12 years


4.45pm - 5.30pm Beginners for ages 5-9 years

5.30pm - 6.15pm Intermediate/Advanced for ages 7 - 12 years.

If you or your child is interested in jumping into gymnastics please get in touch to find out more.



Proud to be working in partnership with