Health and Wellbeing
Supporting your needs
Our Health and Wellness programme supports recovery, rehabilitation and your overall health and wellbeing.
Passport to Leisure:
Passport to Leisure is a discounted scheme for any Wyre Forest resident, regardless of age, who meets certain set criteria.
A 6 week aquatic journey to support you back into activity incorporating access to pool based activity sessions and swimming. You'll need a referral from participating health professionals.
GP referral:
If you have a health condition, or recently had an operation, our Self Referral scheme will help you get back into fitness. Our qualified and friendly instructors will supervise and offer ongoing support.
We offer supervised gym sessions and gentle classes as well as access to swimming activities. The initial consultation is free at which point our qualified instructors can then prescribe and advise on the best pathway for you from membership options to pay as you go.
12 week all inclusive membership
6 week Swim membership
Max card Scheme:
Discount card for foster families and families of children with additional needs
Mum & baby leg, bums & tum's
Tuesday's 9:30am - 10:30am
Various under 5's weekly classes/sessions
Click here for more info.
Cardiac Rehab:
We work alongside health professionals in delivering Cardiac Rehab introductions and fitness programmes.
Shape Up:
Shape Up is a 12 week lifestyle programme aimed at supporting people to manage their weight, improve health and quality of life. Monday's 9.00am - 11.00am or Thursday's 1.00pm to 3.00pm. £10 (includes use of facilities for duration of the course).
Walking Football:
Monday's & Friday's - 9.30am - 10.30am
Walking Netball:
Wednesday's - 2.00pm - 3.00pm
Short Mat Bowls:
Wednesday's 11.00am - 1.00pm
Drop in Badminton:
Sunday's 6.00pm - 7.00pm
TTSS (Team, Talk, Sport, Social):
Weekly session for those aged 18+ consisting of 1 hour activity and half an hour of informal group chat. Open to anyone who is experiencing or has a history of mental health issues, including stress, anxiety, depression, dementia or loneliness. Tuesday's £2 10.00am - 11:30am.
Aqua Natal
Thursday's 9.15am - 10am, £4
Ask a member of our Team for more information or alternatively call us on 01562 515151.