Modern Slavery policy

Modern Slavery Statement

The Places for People Group operates across the UK through a number of operating subsidiaries. We are one of the largest property and leisure management, development and regeneration businesses in the UK. We own or manage more than 180,000 homes and 115 leisure centres and have assets in excess of £3.6 billion. We provide our services through the efforts of more than 11,000 staff in the UK.

Our services are delivered through 20 principal companies although we arrange our activities so that clients, customers and staff regard all parts of the Group as a single business.

The Group has noted the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the "Act"). This statement is made on behalf of the Group parent, Places for People Group Limited, and the Group as a whole. Those of our subsidiaries that are required to make their own statement under the Act have adopted this statement.

Our core businesses
We operate across the whole of the property value chain from initial procurement of sites, through planning and project management to the delivery of high quality places with supporting infrastructure and strong management.

We deliver services to a range of stakeholders including tenants, landlords, housebuyers, local authorities, investment fund managers and leisure centre users.

Our supply chain
Our large and diverse Group structure is reflected in the breadth and complexity of our UK supply chain that has more than 2,000 established members. We engage with a wide variety of organisations for a broad range of goods and services - primarily corporate, construction and property related, but also some more specialist requirements.

Our supply chain members are diverse not only in the goods and services they provide, but also in the size and structure of their organisations - from the very small to multi-nationals. We encourage smaller businesses to apply to join our supply chain in order to promote local business initiatives in the UK.

Our policies to resist modern slavery and human trafficking

We have reviewed our existing policies and procedures in light of the Act. We are confident that our policies promote good behaviour among our colleagues at work and within our supply chain. Our policies and procedures are kept under review to make sure that they reflect the changing shape of the Group and of the needs of the people and markets it serves in the UK.

In our own businesses
Among the policies that we consider give us strength in avoiding modern slavery or human trafficking under the Act in our businesses are:
•    Code of Conduct & Confidentiality;
•    Dignity at Work Policy;
•    Equality & Diversity Policy;
•    Fraud Policy;
•    Gifts, Hospitality & Personal Interests Policy;
•    Recruitment Policy;
•    Right to Work Policy;
•    Second Employment Policy;
•    Wellbeing Policy; and
•    Whistleblowing Policy.

Our whistleblowing policy makes clear that a report of concern in relation to modern slavery or human trafficking can be made under the protection of the policy.

In our supply chain
We are determined that there shall be no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain. Our Supply Chain Code of Conduct and Sustainable Procurement Policies evidence our commitment to act ethically and with integrity throughout our business relationships. The code and the policies are kept under review to make sure that they reflect the changing shape of the Group and of the needs of the people and markets it serves in the UK.

We continue to strengthen the relationship with our supply chain members through enhanced enterprise resource systems. These give us better information about more suppliers and make us better able to apply centralised standards across the Group.

Our code reflects the requirements of the Act. We have published it to our supply chain members through our on-line channels to ensure that all suppliers are aware of our expectations.

We have contracts with supply chain members and in many cases those contracts are for several years' duration. We have introduced a contractual requirement for suppliers that they do not engage in any activity that is contrary to the Act. Where a contract has been renewed during the year or any new contract has been entered into, that contract term has been applied. Over time, we will achieve the inclusion of the contractual requirement in all supplier relationships.

Training and continuing vigilance
We have discussed the Act, its purpose and the Group's attitude to it at a Group board meeting. We have alerted our senior managers to it and challenged them to continue to consider where the risk of modern slavery or human trafficking may arise in their parts of the Group's businesses. We have provided guidance to our procurement team members on the need to avoid those risks and on possible indicators of them in the supply chain. We will continue to enhance the assurances we seek from supply chain members as to their avoidance of modern slavery and human trafficking.

This statement has been approved by the Group board of directors and is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.